Grenada (Riots) 106. Mr. P. Smithers asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the permanent damage to the economy of the Colony of Grenada which will result from diminished confidence of investors and others as a result of the recent outbreaks of violence; and whether he will review the provision made for maintaining law and order throughout the West Indies, with a view to ensuring that there is no repetition of such outbreaks either in Grenada or elsewhere. Mr. Dugdale As my right hon. Friend said in his statement on 28th February, these acts of violence have done great harm to the island and its inhabitants. As to the second part of the Question, on 6th March my right hon. Friend gave an undertaking to the right hon. Member for Warwick and Leamington (Mr. Eden) to look into the question of the preservation of law and order in Grenada. My right hon. Friend will consider whether the examination should be extended to any other of the West Indian territories. 112. Mr. Teeling asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can. make any further statement on the situation in Grenada. Mr. Dugdale Yes. I am glad to report an improvement in the situation. The state of emergency is ended and the persons detained have been released. The Secretary of State's Labour Adviser has had discussions with the parties concerned on the labour issues and I am informed that a proposal to create statutory wages councils has been favourably received both by the employers and by labour. The workers in the sugar industry have returned to work.