Oaksey Committee Report 133. Mrs. Braddock asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department the results of the discussions on the implementation of Part 2 of the Oaksey Committee Report on Police Pay and Conditions. Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe Discussions are still proceeding with the interests represented on the Police Council with regard to recommendations of the Oaksey Committee dealing with representation, negotiating procedure and the administration of discipline. I have every hope that it will be possible reasonably soon to re-submit these issues to the Police Council; how soon it will be possible to reach finality depends upon the course of the discussions, and the measure of agreement reached, on the Police Council. As the hon. Member will be aware the pay claims made last year on behalf of the federated ranks were in fact brought before an independent tribunal and effect was given to the tribunal's recommendations. 134. Mrs. Braddock asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is aware that the local authorities have now refused to implement paragraph 138 of Part I of the report dealing with widows' pensions; and if he can yet give the results of the negotiations on this point. Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe The specific increases in widows' benefits recommended by Lord Oaksey's Committee on Police Conditions of Service were given by the Police Pensions Regulations, 1949. The recommendations made by the Committee in the paragraph of their report to which the hon. Member refers were referred to0020a working party appointed by my predecessor to report to the Police Council on this and other aspects of the police pensions scheme. I understand that the report of this working party will be available shortly, but I have not yet received it and I do not therefore know the views of its members. Mrs. Braddock asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what action he is taking to allow the right to have negotiating and arbitration machinery to decide matters of police pay and conditions, as requested by the Police Service Federation. Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe I would refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave today to her Question No. 133.