South-West Africa (Lord Hailey's Speech) 42. Mr. Grimond asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations if the recent official pronouncement by Lord Hailey criticising the Trusteeship Council and saying that South-West Africa seems a natural part of the Union was made with his approval. The Prime Minister No, Sir. The remarks referred to in the Question were an expression of Lord Hailey's personal view, as he himself made clear, according to the report which I have seen. Lord Hailey's task in South Africa is to prepare a report for His Majesty's Government on the working of the native authority system in Basutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland. Mr. Grimond In view of the fact that these remarks are made by someone who is travelling at the request of the Government, and that they have been widely circulated in the South African Survey, will the Prime Minister make it clear that the policy of the Government remains unaltered and repudiate the remarks of Lord Hailey? The Prime Minister The policy of the Government remains the same. It was made perfectly clear that the remarks were made by Lord Hailey in his personal capacity. He is undertaking an inquiry, but is not really a State servant.