Dromod Police Hut MR. MCKEAN (Monaghan, S.) I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether any steps are being taken, or are about to be taken, towards the removal of the police hut at Dromod; whether he is aware that the sergeant in charge of the hut has a farm of land some miles away where lie spends the greater part of his time, and that the police attached to the station have no duties to perform; and whether he will, under such circumstances, direct the hut to be removed at once. MR.BRYCE I am informed by the police authorities that the police hut in question, through originally provided as a protection post, has for the past ten years been used as a permanent police station with a district attached, and the police employed there perform all the ordinary duties appertaining to a police station. The continuance of this station is considered necessary, the two nearest stations being each five miles distant. The sergeant in charge of the station has a farm in the adjoining county, at which it is understood he spends his annual leave of absence, but the Inspector-General is not aware that he goes there at other times. Inquiry, however, will be made into the matter.