Personnel, Egypt (Kit) 39. Mrs. Braddock asked the Secretary of State for War if he will hold a full inquiry into the circumstances in which Forces personnel in Egypt have been issued with stockings, labelled a gift from the W.V.S., Hastings, as part of an Army issue and with underpants made of flour bags with buttons on, in view of the fact that orders have been given that from 1st April, 1947, they have to replace all kit; and if he will then issue a statement. Mr. Bellenger I am looking into this matter and will write to my hon. Friend. Mr. Keeling Can the Minister say whether there is anything unusual or unnecessary in pants having buttons? Mr. Bellenger I can only speak for myself. I believe that the custom varies amongst different people, but I think that that was not the only point of my hon. Friend's Question, which alludes to underpants made of flour bags.