Napiitiialene 59. Mr. KILEY asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been called to the position which is being created by the fact that importers of naphthalene in flakes are now to have their importations admitted free of duty, while importers of naphthalene in the shape of round balls will have to pay duty; and does he see his way clear to propose arrangements to amend the Safeguarding of Industries Act, so as either to exclude naphthalene altogether or include it in whatever form it arrives? Sir W. MITCHELL-THOMSON I have been asked to reply. The hon. Member is in error. I am sending him a copy of a. notice which appeared in the Board of Trade Journal on 6th April last, from which he will see that naphthalene in all forms may now be imported free of duty. Mr. KILEY Did the hon. Member hear the reply given by the Department the other day, which stated that if naphthalene was imported in flakes it would be admitted free of duty, but if it was imported in the shape of round balls it would have to pay duty? Sir W. MITCHELL-THOMSON I heard the question put and the answer given to it the other day, but I am afraid the hon. Member did not fully appreciate the effect of the answer.