Homes (Insulation) Dr. Michael Clark asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many grants for homes insulation have been given in each year since 1978; and what estimate he has of the number of grants paid to households where one member of the household was in receipt of supplementary benefit. Sir George Young Numbers of home insulation scheme grants paid in 1982, 1983 and 1984 (provisional) appear in table 2.17 of "Housing and Construction Statistics" part 2, No. 20: figures for the earlier years were last published in table 7.5 of "Housing and Construction Statistics 1973–1983". Copies of these publications are available in the Library.Figures are not collected of the numbers paid to recipients of supplementary benefit. Dr. Michael Clark asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will estimate the number of public sector houses which do not benefit from adequate insulation. Sir George Young The available information is from a sample survey conducted by Audits of Great Britain and it is estimated that at the end of 1983 about 1 million council houses in Great Britain had no loft insulation or less than 2 inches of loft insulation.