New Building, Newport 41. Mr. Peter Freeman asked the Postmaster-General whether the plans for a new post office in Newport have now been approved; when building operations will commence; how long it is expected to take to complete the post office; and whether the new automatic exchange will be housed in the new building. Mr. Wilfred Paling The local authority have approved in principle the plans for the extension of the Post Office at Newport (Mon), but final plans have not yet been approved. It is now hoped that building operations will start early in 1950 and will be completed two and a half years later. New automatic telephone equipment will be installed in a portion of the new wing. Mr. Freeman In view of the fact that the new post office will be on the site of the old one, is it intended to maintain the postal services in that building during building operations or will other arrangements be made? Mr. Paling I should like notice of that question.