Overseas Deployments Mr. Key To ask t he Secretary of State for Defence if he will list current overseas deployments of Navy, Army and Air Force Institution (NAAFI) units; and how many staff are involved in each. [120738] Mr. Caplin Current Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) locations, and associated personnel numbers, outside the United Kingdom are as follows: ------------------ |Country | ------------------ |Germany | ------------------ |Kuwait/Iraq | ------------------ |Afghanistan | ------------------ |Cyprus | ------------------ |Kosovo | ------------------ |Bosnia | ------------------ |Saudi Arabia | ------------------ |Kenya | ------------------ |Falkland Islands| ------------------ |Gibraltar | ------------------ |Belize | ------------------ |Brunei | ------------------ |Ascension Island| ------------------ The list covers permanent NAAFI undertakings in overseas garrisons as well as Expeditionary Forces Institute (EFI) deployments in support of military operations. The personnel figures shown for each location relate to the number of United Kingdom or United Kingdom Based Contract (UKBC) personnel in post and exclude locally paid staff. The figures for Germany exclude 45 UKBC personnel working for NAAFI financial services and 505 with NAAFI support services.In addition, some 60 NAAFI personnel serve with the Naval Canteen Service (NCS). NCS personnel serve on ships deployed in a range of locations around the United Kingdom as well as elsewhere, including the Gulf.