Workstart 13. Mr. Gale To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if she will make a statement on the workstart pilot scheme established for east Kent. Mr. Gillian Shephard I have asked the employment Service for a detailed plan for the pilot scheme in east Kent by 7 May. I expect the first participants to be employed in June. Mr. Gale My right hon. Friend will understand that in north-east Kent we very much appreciate her Department's recognition of our real needs. We hope that this measure will be followed by other Government measures to enable us to compete on equal terms with northern France for inward investment. Does my right hon. Friend understand that my constituents and the businesses that I represent, together with those represented by my hon. Friends the Members for Thanet, South (Mr. Aitken) and for Canterbury (Mr. Brazier), are greatly looking forward to taking part in the scheme? Will she try to find time to visit it herself once it is up and running? Mrs. Shephard I can assure my hon. Friend that I shall attempt to visit at an early stage all the pilot areas where workstart is to take place.