Tax Reclamation Mr. Malcolm Bruce To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is his estimate of the total tax reclaimed by Government Departments, agencies and other public bodies in the latest year for which information is available; and if he will make a statement. [13534] Mr. Darling [holding answer 30 October 1997]: From the tax returns submitted by Government departments and agencies during 1996–97, the total amount of value added tax due was £521 million, the total amount reclaimed was £1,500 million resulting in a balance repaid of £979 million. Figures for other public bodies are not available. Mr. Malcolm Bruce To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is his estimate of the amount of value added tax (a) reclaimed and (b) repaid to NHS trusts and other NHS bodies in the latest year for which statistics are available; and if he will make a statement. [13533] Dawn Primarolo [holding answer 30 October 1997]: From the tax returns submitted by NHS trusts and bodies during 1996–97, the total amount of value added tax due was £72 million, the total amount reclaimed was £492 million resulting in a balance repaid of £420 million.