Public Libraries: Internet Access The Earl of Northesk asked Her Majesty's Government:How they respond to the decision to ban all Internet access in Glasgow's libraries because of the discovery that children have been downloading adult content; and what implications this has for their target of providing universal access to the Internet by 2005. [HL1075] Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale The responsibility for public libraries in Scotland lies with the local authorities and it is therefore a matter for Glasgow City Council to consider what action is required. It is understood that Glasgow City Council has already taken steps to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect children from inappropriate material and Internet access has been resumed. The Government have made a commitment to all public libraries in the UK being online by the end of 2002 and resources of £120 million are being made available through the New Opportunities Fund to fund this. It will he for local authorities as library authorities to ensure that all necessary protections and safeguards are in place as they implement these plans.