Disabled People 79. Ms. Short To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish details for Great Britain of the number and percentage of people with disabilities of working age who are unemployed. Mr. Eggar The most recent estimate is that there are about 285,000 people with disabilities who are economically active and want but are not in work. This is 22 per cent. of the total. This information was obtained in summer 1989 during a survey commissioned by my Department into the numbers and characteristics of people with disabilities in the labour market. The figure is compiled on a basis different from that used to produce the monthly claimant-based statistics, so is not exactly comparable with general unemployment figures. Ms. Short To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish details for Great Britain and for the west midlands region, for each year from April 1986 to the most recent date, of the number and percentage of YTS leavers who on leaving YTS were unemployed (a) in total and (b) with disabilities. Mr. Nicholls The information is as follows: ------------ | | ------------ | | ------------ |Number | ------------ |Percentage| ------------ |Number | ------------ |Percentage| ------------ |Number | ------------ |Percentage| ------------ |Number | ------------ |Percentage| ------------ Source: Respondents to YT Follow-Up Survey. Mr. Redmond To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what information he has as to what percentage of the work force employed by British Coal registered as disabled. Mr. Eggar As at 1 June 1989, 0.4 per cent. of the work force of British Coal were registered disabled, as published in the Employment Gazette in February 1990.