Social Terms Scoping Project Mr. Pickthall To ask the Secretary of State for Health what is the cost so far of the social terms scoping project; and what are its estimated total costs. [38028] Mr. Sackville The social terms scoping project is a six month project which commenced on 1 May 1995. The cost at 30 September 1995 was £17,501. The estimated total cost is £34,383. Mr. Pickthall To ask the Secretary of State for Health what is the remuneration of the Chairman and the project researchers of the social terms scoping project. [38025] Mr. Sackville The social terms scoping project is a six-month project which commenced on 1 May 1995.The chairman is employed one day per week at the standard university rate and will receive £6,760 in total.There are two part-time research workers. One research worker—0.6 whole-time equivalent—will receive £6,943 in total, and the second research worker—0.4 whole-time equivalent—will receive £6,702 in total.These rates of pay are also based on standard university research grades.