Berets 10. Mr. A. R. W. Low asked the Secretary of State for War why volunteers in Greenjacket units of the Territorial Army are not issued with green berets, though a free issue is made to National Service men in Greenjacket units. Mr. Shinwell The production of coloured berets is limited, and they are being issued to the active Army first. They will, however, be issued to the Territorial Army eventually, when supplies become available. Mr. Low On occasions of shortage like this, would it not be wise to give priority to volunteers even over the National Service men? Is it not necessary and desirable to encourage the volunteer? Mr. Shinwell Of course it is desirable to encourage the volunteer. We are doing all we can in that direction, but we must supply the Regular Army. Mr. Mitchison Who gets the un coloured berets? Mr. Shinwell I presume that my hon. and learned Friend means the khaki berets. They go to all the men who require them.