Aerial Advertising Mr. Ralph Howell asked the Minister for Trade what information he has as to the rules relating to aerial advertising in other major western countries. Mr. Sproat In contrast to the position in the United Kingdom, where aerial advertising has been prohibited since 1960, other major western countries permit the practice liberally. I have had information about the practice in nine countries.In Belgium, aerial advertising is fairly common. Operators require an aerial work permit. In France and the Republic of Ireland, aerial advertising is permitted without any special regulations other than those regarding safety. In Italy, a licence is required. Permission is given after approval of such equipment as towed banners and after taking safety and environmental considerations into account. In the Netherlands, aerial advertising is freely permitted. Advertising balloons may be flown up to a height of 50 metres and aeroplanes—but not helicopters—may tow advertising banners at heights not below 400 metres. In the Federal Republic of Germany and Spain, aerial advertising is allowed provided a permit is obtained from the appropriate authorities. Conditions may be imposed regarding minimum safe heights, maximum time over a particular locality or other safety or environmental matters. In Canada, the only regulations applicable are those regarding safety, and advertising is permitted. Helicopters are not allowed to tow banners. In the United States of America captive balloons may be used for advertising without prior permission if flown at heights not exceeding 150 ft, not within five miles of an airport boundary and in good visibility. Operators of banner towing aeroplanes require a certificate of waiver, the conditions of which are concerned with operationsl safety and air-worthiness.Generally speaking, the regulation of aerial advertising in these countries is concerned primarily with safety and no significant problems appear to have resulted from the liberal attitude to advertising adopted by foreign Governments. Mr. Teddy Taylor asked the Minister for Trade when he hopes to publish further regulations relating to advertising balloons; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Sproat I regret that I am not yet in a position to lay these regulations before Parliament.