Fair-Wages Clause Mr. BARNES asked the Under-Secretary for India if he is aware that the firm of Messrs. Hoffmann, of Chelmsford, advertise themselves as contractors to the India Office and that, upon the same paper that they so advertise their connection with the India Office, they also advise workmen to accept service with them at less than current wages; and will he take steps to prevent such being done and to have the firm in question struck off the list as an unfair firm? Mr. MONTAGU If the intention of the hon. Member is to suggest that the firm are making use of their connection with the Indian Office to induce workmen to accept lower than the current rate of wages, I shall be glad to receive evidence on the point. But on the information at present before him, the Secretary of State sees no reason for inquiry since the firm has no contract with the India Office at the present time and is not, I am informed, on the list of contractors.