Industrial Hostels (Charges) 5. Mr. Daggar asked the Minister of Labour whether he will make a statement regarding the charges to residents in Government industrial hostels. Mr. Isaacs Yes, Sir. In the light of the prevailing charges for comparable private lodgings and the increasing costs of providing hostel accommodation, it has been decided to increase the charges in the Government industrial hostels run by the National Service Hostels Corporation as from 11th July next, by 5s. per week at the standard industrial hostels, and by 4s. per week at certain hostels where the accommodation provided is below the normal standard of industrial hostels. The new charges will be 35s. per week for men and 30s. per week for women at the standard hostels, and 30s. per week for men and 25s. per week for women at the other hostels. Mr. David Renton Will these charges apply to E.V.W's? Mr. Isaacs They will apply to all the Corporation's industrial hostels. They do not apply, under this Order, to the Agricultural Executive Committees' Hostels, as they come under the direction of the committees. This Order applies to the Hostels Corporation. Mr. Renton Could the Minister say what is the reason for this differentiation? Mr. Isaacs The differentiation is because in what we call sub-standard hostels accommodation is very poor by comparison with standard hostels. In many standard hostels there are one or two people in a cubicle, but in the others there are 15, 16, or 18 in a dormitory.