Expiring Laws Continuance Bill Bill 238 Committee Bill considered in Committee. (In the Committee.) Schedule. MR. HENNESSY said, he wished to point out that by a Resolution passed last Session the Irish Poor Law Act, one of the measures included in this Bill, was to expire in 1864, and he should contend that it should not be continued without discussion. SIR ROBERT PEEL said, that if the Act were not continued, the Commission would come to an end at once. COLONEL DUNNE said, he would move the omission of the Irish Poor Law Act from the Schedule. MR. BUTT said, it was a wise precaution to include the Act, because there was the possibility of a dissolution early next Session, which might interfere with the renewal of the powers of the Poor Law Commissioners before they expired. MR. MAGUIRE remarked that there was no occasion for including it in the Bill, inasmuch as the Act would not expire until next year. Amendment proposed, to leave out the words "10 and 11 Vict., c. 90 (Poor Laws) (Ireland)."—( Colonel Dunne). Question put, "That those words stand part of the Schedule." The Committee divided:—Ayes 34; Noes 7: Majority 27. House resumed. Bill reported, without Amendment; to be read 3° on Monday next. House adjourned at a quarter before Two o'clock, till Monday next.