Human Rights Mr. Budgen asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he has received the tenth annual report of the Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Hurd The report has been published today, and copies have been laid before Parliament. It covers the period 1 November 1983 to 31 October 1984.The report focuses mainly on emergency legislation and electoral law but also covers a wide range of other matters which the Commission has considered over the year under review. These include divorce law, race relations legislation, community relations, young offenders and young persons in care and the Government's position in relation to the European Convention on Human Rights. The report concludes by proposing a review of the case for a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland. Copies of my response to the Commission's report have been placed in the Library. Mr. Thurnham asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what information he has as to the proposed general study by the Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights, designed to increase the protection of human rights in Northern Ireland. Mr. Hurd The chairman of the Commission has informed me that the Commission intends as a priority to undertake a major study to examine the adequacy and effectiveness of existing laws and institutions in securing freedom from discrimination and furthering equality of opportunity in Northern Ireland. The study will include the detailed examination of the provisions of the Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973, the legislation which established the offices of the Northern Ireland Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Commissioner for Complaints and the Fair Employment Agency as well as the relevant responsibilities of such bodies as the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and of the Commission itself. The Government share the Commission's commitment to further human rights in the interesrts of all the people of Northern Ireland. I therefore welcome and support the Commission's decision to undertake the proposed study and I look forward to receiving its report on this subject.