London Family Health Service Authorities Ms Primarolo To ask the Secretary of State for Health what were the allocations for staff premises and computing for each family health services authority in the area covered by the London implementation group for 1992–93 and 1993–94. Mr. Sackville The information is not available centrally. Allocations for staff, premises and computing for individual family health services authorities within the London initiative zone are determined by the relevant regional health authority in accordance with its assessment of local needs and priorities. Ms Primarolo To ask the Secretary of State for Health what were the total development moneys allocated for 1992 and 1993–94 to each FHSA covered by the London implementation group and provided for in "Making London Better". Mr. Sackville Allocations of development monies to family health services authorities are determined by the regional health authorities in accordance with their assessment of priorities for the improvement of primary health care services.