Ministry Of Labour ("S" Class Clerks) Mr. Mitchison asked the Minister of Labour how many S class clerks with service of I0 years or more are employed in the Ministry; what arrangements are being made to transfer such clerks to permanent E.C. grade; and whether, in respect of such transfer, such clerks will have preference over clerks of three years' service who are about to be examined for transfer to permanent E.C. grade. Mr. Isaacs There are 998 "S" class clerks with ten years or more Government service employed in the departmental class of the Ministry of Labour. These officers are permanent established staff and are eligible for promotion to the employment clerk grade when such promotions are being considered. Numerous reviews for this purpose have taken place in the last ten years. As regards the last part of the question, the White Paper on the recruitment to established posts in the Civil Service during the reconstruction period (Cmd. 6587) sets out the arrangements for the establishment as employment clerks of a small number of temporary clerks with over two years' service.