British Overseas Airways Corporation 12. Mr. Bellenger asked the Secretary of State for Air the individual emoluments fixed by him for the members of the British Overseas Airways Corporation; and whether any such members are receiving additional remuneration under Section 1 (5) and (6) of the British Overseas Airways Act, 1939? Sir A. Sinclair With the exception of the Chief Executive Member, the members of the Corporation have, from the beginning, given their services without remuneration. In accordance with Section 1 (6) of the British Overseas Airways Act, 1939, the remuneration paid to the Chief Executive Member is a matter for the Corporation to determine. Mr. Bellenger Has the Corporation in fact so determined, and, if so, what was the amount? Sir A. Sinclair That is not what I am asked in the Question. Perhaps the hon. Member will put that down. I am asked for the individual emoluments fixed by me, and I have answered that Question.