Murders (Statistics) Dr. Glyn asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many known murders were committed in England and Wales; and how many of these were detected and how many convictions resulted in (a) 1980 and (b) 1981. Mr. Mayhew [pursuant to his reply, 8 April 1982, c. 420]: In a case of homicide, it is not possible in the absence of a court decision to distinguish between offences of murder, manslaughter and infanticide. The number of offences initially recorded by the police as homicide and the number cleared up are published annually—for 1980, table 2.4 of "Criminal Statistics, England and Wales, 1980"; for 1981, table 4 of "Home Office Statistical Bulletin 4/82". The number of suspects of homicides recorded in 1980 who were convicted of murder is published in table 4.7 of Cmnd. 8376. Information for 1981 is not yet available.