Income Tax 45. Mr. F. HALL (Dulwich) asked the Prime Minister when the Committee to in quire into the arrangements with regard to Income Tax will be appointed; if steps will be taken to expedite the investigations of the Committee so as to give effect to their recommendations with the least possible delay; and if the terms of reference to the Committee will be submitted to the House for confirmation? The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Asquith) As regards the first part of the question, the matter is still under consideration, but there will be no avoidable delay. As regards the second part. I have no doubt that the investigations will be conducted as expeditiously as possible. I see no necessity for the submission of the terms of reference to the House; I have already indicated what their scope will be. Mr. HALL Will the terms of reference be sufficiently broad to enable the Members of the Committee to consider all questions relevant to the Income Tax? The PRIME MINISTER Certainly.