Venezuelan Rubber Dispute MR. PIKE PEASE (Darlington) I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any information with regard to the reports from Georgetown, on the Venezuelan frontier, in regard to the alleged taking of rubber in British territory by Venezuelans: and whether a British force entered. Venezuelan territory and demanded the surrender of 40,000 lbs. of rubber. THE UNDER-SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES (Mr. CHURCHILL, Manchester, N.W.) My right hon. friend has requested me to answer this Question. I can only refer to the reply which I made yesterday to the hon. Members for Mid. Armagh and West Lanarkshire, to the effect that the Governor is making inquiries and will send home a full report. MR. MITCHELL-THOMSON (Lanarkshire, N.W.) Has the report been asked for by cable or post? MR. CHURCHILL By cable. I do not think there is any reason to assign undue importance to the incident.