Soviet Citizens (Diplomatic Immunity) 52. Mr. Paget asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many Soviet citizens enjoy diplomatic immunity in Great Britain today; and where they are based. Mrs. White One hundred and twenty-five Soviet officials at the moment enjoy diplomatic immunity in this country. Immunity is also extended to their wives and children. They are all based in London. Mr. Paget Is it not true that a great many of these people who have diplomatic immunity are engaged in occupations which come a great deal nearer to spying than anything indulged in by Mr. Brooke, and cannot some reduction in these numbers be made? Mrs. White I think that my hon. and learned Friend is fully aware that these are reciprocal arrangements. [Interruption.] We ourselves benefit. While I trust that we do not in any way misuse these immunities, we do benefit by having reciprocal arrangements in Moscow.