Reorganisation Schemes 28. Mr. BEAUMONT asked the President of the Board of Education from how many local education authorities he has received completed schemes dealing with accommodation for reorganisation and the raising of the school age; from how many he has received preliminary schemes; from how many he has received no schemes at all; and how many have informed him that, in their view, it is impossible to get the work done in the time at their disposal? The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Sir Charles Trevelyan) I have received complete programmes from 95 local education authorities, and preliminary programmes from 31. Programmes have not yet been received from 191 authorities, but I expect to receive most of these shortly. Only six authorities have expressed doubts as to their ability to carry out a complete scheme of reorganisation within the time at their disposal. Mr. BEAUMONT Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us how many of those replies have been received from county authorities? Sir C. TREVELYAN I cannot offhand, but I will give the hon. Member the information. Mr. HARRIS Are the six authorities referred to within the area of the London County Council? Sir C. TREVELYAN I must have notice of that question.