Income-Tax Rebates MR. COURTHOPE (Sussex, Rye) To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that the treatment by the Claims Department of the Inland Revenue of applications for repayment of income-tax is often unduly protracted, and that communications from claimants are frequently ignored; and whether he will take immediate steps to secure prompt attention to such claims in future. (Answered by Mr. Asquith.) I am aware, as I stated in reply to a Question put to me by the noble Lord the Member for Marylebone on the 6th instant,that, owing to the immense accumulation of claims within a few months of the year and to the close investigation necessary to ensure the Department against paying away money to which the claimant's I title has not been conclusively proved, there is during the summer months a considerable delay in the settlement of claims. Every effort, however, is made by the Board of Inland Revenue to minimise this delay, both by the adoption of the most expeditious methods of dealing with the work, and by the employment of the staff on long and continuous overtime. Much as I regret the inconvenience thus caused to the public, I feat that it is impossible, consistently with the due security of the Revenue, to devise any method of reducing it further. MR. COURTHOPE To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Claims Department of the Inland Revenue received, on or about 23rd June last, an application for repayment of, income-tax from the executor of the late Miss M. G. Homan; whether any reply was made to such application; whether two further communications from the said executor have been received, asking for settlement of this matter; and whether he will direct that it shall be promptly dealt with. (Answered by Mr. Asquith.) The application in question was received in the Inland Revenue Department on the 26th June last. It is not the practice to acknowledge the receipt of claims for repayment, and to do so would, owing to the great number of such claims with which the Department has to deal, require the employment of additional staff. The two further communications mentioned in the Question were duly received and answered. Various references were necessary before the claim could be settled, but there was no undue delay, and it has now been paid.