Lindley Surrender MR. LAMBERT (Devonshire, South Molton) I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether the letter of the War Office, dated 16th December, 1900, demanding General Colvile's resignation, alleged that General Colvile was mainly responsible for the surrender of the Yeomanry at Lindley; and whether that allegation is borne out by the finding of the Court of Inquiry into that surrender. *MR. BRODRICK The War Office letter alluded to stated that "the Secretary of State having discussed the incidents of the surrender of No. 13 Imperial Yeomanry battalion, concurs with Lord Roberts that you were mainly responsible for the surrender." The Court of Inquiry absolved Colonel Spragge from any blame —General Colvile was held responsible by his military superiors for not attempting his relief. MR. LAMBERT Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the last part of the question? *MR. BRODRICK I have done so. The Court of Inquiry found that Colonel Spragge had done all in his power, and laid the responsibility on other shoulders. MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.) But what about the men who raised the flags of surrender?