Rate Support Grant Dr. Cunningham asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will give the accumulated reduction in rate support grant since 1978–79 in England at 1985–86 prices breaking down the figures between (a) 1978–79 and 1979–80, (b) 1978–79 and 1980–81, (c) 1978–79 and 1981–82, (d) 1978–79 and 1982–83, (e) 1978–79 and 1983–84, (f) 1978–79 and 1984–85 and (g) 1978–79 and 1985–86. Mr. Patrick Jenkin Rate support grant in England at 1985–86 prices for the years 1978–79 to 1985–86 was as follows: --------- | | --------- |1978–79| --------- |1979–80| --------- |1980–81| --------- |1981–82| --------- |1982–83| --------- |1983–84| --------- |1984–85| --------- |1985–86| ---------