Vietnam (Advisory Mission) 40. Mr. Rankin asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he has yet had a report on the work of the advisory mission sent to South Vietnam to deal with police and administration; and if he will make a statement. 52. Mrs. Emmet asked the Lord Privy Seal under what circumstances Her Majesty's Government agreed to send an advisory mission to South Vietnam; what are to be the tasks of this mission; and what will be its cost to the Exchequer. Mr. Heath The Government of the Republic of Vietnam, one of whose major problems is the lack of a sufficient number of trained administrators, requested Her Majesty's Government to provide expert assistance in the field of administrative co-ordination and police matters. Her Majesty's Government agreed to dispatch an Advisory Mission to Saigon for this purpose. The British Advisory Mission to Vietnam, which arrived in Saigon at the end of September, consists of three officers and a small administrative staff led by Mr. R. G. K. Thompson.The cost of the Mission is not expected to exceed an over-all annual total of £110,000 and Parliament will be asked in due course to approve the necessary financial provision for 1961–62 by way of a Supplementary Estimate. In the meantime advances will be obtained from the Civil Contingencies Fund as required. The function of the British Advisory Mission to Vietnam is to advise the Government of the Republic of Vietnam and not to send reports to Her Majesty's Government.