Condensation Mr. Tipping To ask the Secretary of State for the Environmment what work the Building Research Establishment has carried out on the effect on people's health of condensation in the home. Sir George Young [holding answer 10 June 1993]: It is not normally suggested that condensation has a direct effect on physical health. The potential health consequences of condensation relate to its role in permitting the growth of fungi and mites. Airborne fragments of fungi and mites can give rise to respiratory or skin reactions, particularly in sensitive individuals.The Building Research Establishment executive agency (BRE) is and has long been involved in a range of research which will elucidate the prevalence of condensation, fungi and mites in the home, and the likely health effects of these levels. A list of the major publications resulting from the work attached. BRE publications are available from the BRE bookshop (Tel. 0923 664444).