Question MR. BRUEN asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether his attention has been directed to the Reports of the Irish Poor Law Inspectors on the subject of Labourers' Dwellings, in the Blue Book lately placed upon the Table of the House, in which one of the Inspectors, Dr. Roughan, states that he "has no practical knowledge of the working of the regulations under which loans are obtained for the building of labourers' dwellings," and that "he is not aware of any instance in which a proprietor in his district has availed himself of the privileges of the Labourers' Dwellings Act, 1860;" whereas it appears from the Report of the Commissioners of Public Works, 1870–71, that at least one loan has been issued and expended for that purpose in Dr. Roughan's district; and, whether he will obtain from the Local Inspectors of the Commissioners of Works, who are in a position to possess practical knowledge of the improvement of labourers' dwellings, answers to those queries which have been submitted to the Poor Law Inspectors on this subject? THE MARQUESS OF HARTINGTON, in reply, said, his attention had been called to the matter referred to. He believed the facts were such as were stated in the Question. He was informed by the Board of Works in Ireland that they were willing to take steps in connection with the matter.