Princess Flying Boat 40. Surgeon Lieut.-Commander Bennett asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation what are now his intentions with respect to the Princess flying boat. Mr. Beswick The requirements of rearmament have necessitated a review of work on the development and production of civil aircraft, including the Princess flying boat. No final decisions about the future of the Princess flying boat have, however, yet been reached. Surgeon Lieut.-Commander Bennett Is it not a fact that five or six aircraft of this type can carry as many troops as the "Queen Mary" or "Queen Elizabeth," without the construction of any docks or runways whatever, and will the hon. Gentleman make sure that no prejudice in high places against the employment of flying boats will be allowed to blind them to their possibilities? Mr. Beswick There is no prejudice in high places against this boat, and the question which the hon. and gallant Gentleman raises is one that is being studied carefully at the moment.