Disablement Benefit Case, Brighton 25. Mr. William Teeling asked the Minister of National Insurance why Mr. Ronald Taylor of 88, Coleman Street, Brighton, has had to wait over eight months since his accident for a decision concerning his disablement benefit. Mr. J. Griffiths If the hon. Member is implying that Mr. Ronald Taylor had to wait eight months for his industrial injury benefits I think he is under a misapprehension. Injury benefit was paid to Mr. Taylor from the date of the accident up to 9th February, when he became eligible for disablement benefit. I regret that, owing to some delay over the report of the medical board, disablement benefit was not actually paid until 30th March, but in the meantime Mr. Taylor received sickness benefit. Mr. Teeling Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that this disablement benefit has only just been paid, after I put down the Question, and that Mr. Taylor has been asking for it for quite a long time and been told to wait and abide his time; is he further aware that there are many similar cases at the present time all over the country; and can something be done to hurry these matters up? Mr. Griffiths As I pointed out to the hon. Member, he is under a misapprehension. The disablement benefit does not become payable under the Act until the man has been disabled and received injury benefit for six months. There has been some delay in this case due to the fact that the medical board felt it desirable in the man's own interests, to have a further examination and report. It is not always in the man's interests to try to hurry up matters, when perhaps a further X-ray will be to his advantage.