Residential Homes Mr. Ron Davies asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will estimate the total number of people employed by local authorities in Wales from 1980 to the latest available date in connection with their duties under the Residential Homes Act 1980. Mr. Wyn Roberts This information is not available. Mr. Ron Davies asked the Secretary of State for Wales what additional resources have been made available to local authorities in Wales to enable them to meet their responsibilities under the Residential Homes Act 1980 for each year of its operation. Mr. Wyn Roberts No additional resources were made available specifically. Local authorities were expected to meet the cost of their responsibilities under the Act within their total budgets for personal social services. Under current legislation, the Registered Homes Act 1984, there has been a substantial increase in the fees payable by those seeking registration; the level of these fees is to be reviewed in the light of operational experience. Mr. Ron Davies asked the Secretary of State for Wales what expenditure has been incurred by his Department for each year since 1980 on the administration of the Residential Homes Act 1980 or on any matters arising from the Act. Mr. Wyn Roberts This information is not available. Mr. Ron Davies asked the Secretary of State for Wales how many applications for registration have been refused and how many licences revoked per county in Wales under the Residential Homes Act 1980 during each year of its operation. Mr. Wyn Roberts This information is not held centrally. Mr. Ron Davies asked the Secretary of State for Wales how many old persons' homes have been registered per county in Wales under the Residential Homes Act 1980, for each year of its operation. Mr. Wyn Roberts The information requested is given in the following table: ----------------- | | ----------------- |Local Authority| ----------------- |Clwyd | ----------------- |Dyfed | ----------------- |Gwent | ----------------- |Gwynedd | ----------------- |Mid Glamorgan | ----------------- |Powys | ----------------- |South Glamorgan| ----------------- |West Glamorgan | -----------------