Kikuyu 50. Mr. McELWEE asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to a statement by the Governor of Kenya Colony that his Government was taking steps against those Kikuyu who were giving their allegiance to such associations as the Central Kikuyu Association and that it was strengthening the Native Authority Ordinance so as to stop the collection of money by natives without permission; and whether His Majesty's Government will urge upon the Governor of Kenya the desirability of refraining from such repression of political activity? Dr. SHIELS My Noble Friend has seen in the Press a report of a statement made by the Governor of Kenya to a gathering of natives at Kyambu. As regards the first part of the question, the Press report seems to indicate that the Government of Kenya only contemplate action against those who commit an offence by wrongfully refusing obedience to the lawful commands of the constituted native authorities. My Noble Friend is not aware of any intention to introduce legislation of the kind suggested in the question, upon which it may be assumed that the Governor would first communicate with the Secretary of State.