M1/M62 Link Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will extend the time period for consultation on his proposals for an M I /M62 link in west Yorkshire to enable the proposals to be exhibited in the Horbury area of Wakefield. Mr. Chope Special arrangements have already been operated for people in the Horbury area. Nevertheless. I am arranging for additional exhibitions of the MI/M62 link road proposals to be held next week both in the Horbury and Thornhill Lees areas, subject to the availability of suitable venues.There seems no case for extending the consultation period which does not expire until I May, but any comments received after that date will still be taken into account. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what is the projected date for announcing the preferred route for the proposed MI/M62 motorway link in west Yorkshire. Mr. Chope No date has been set for announcing the outcome of the public consultation, into the options for a proposed link between the M1 south-west of Wakefield and the M62 east of Huddersfield, which started on 27 February 1992. This is because it is impossible to anticipate at this stage how long it will take to assess fully the large number of responses we expect to receive from the public and representative bodies.