Enemy Debts Department 17. Lieut-Colonel Sir GODFREY DALRYMPLE-WHITE asked the President of the Board of Trade what has been the approximate total cost to date since it was set up, of running the Clearing House for Enemy Debts, and its various branches in England and abroad; and will he state whether the whole of that cost has been defrayed by way of deductions from the disbursements upon accepted and approved claims by British nationals? Mr. W. GRAHAM The total cost of the Clearing Office to date is approximately £2,420,000. The whole of this cost has been covered by commissions charged on the sums paid to British nationals in respect of admitted claims and on the proceeds of ex-enemy property realised. Mr. KELLY Have any of these commissions been shared with any of the people who were representing claimants? Mr. GRAHAM I cannot say without notice. 22. Mr. SAVERY asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will arrange for the staff of the Clearing Office for Enemy Debts in London and its branches to be reduced by at least 50 persons after the next payment of dividend by the Anglo-Hungarian Debts Branch? Mr. GRAHAM No special staff is retained for the payment of such dividends which is done by a small section temporarily reinforced from other parts of the Clearing Office. Reductions in the staff of the Office considered as a whole are effected as the state of the work permits; in fact the staff has been reduced by 66 since 1st June last and further reductions are imminent.