Benefits (Bank Accounts) Mr. David Marshall To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what plans he has to require pensioners to have their pensions paid via bank accounts; and if he will make a statement. Miss Widdecombe As my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State announced in the House on 12 November 1992, our policy is to encourage pensioners and others who have a bank, building society or girobank account to receive their social security benefits directly into their accounts.Recipients of the following benefits already have the choice of receiving their benefit by automated credit transfer (ACT): Disability Living AllowanceDisability Working AllowanceAttendance AllowancePensions/Widows BenefitChild BenefitOne Parent BenefitFamily CreditWar Pensions In addition, the facility to pay benefit by ACT is being extended to invalidity benefit, sickness benefit and severe disablement allowance on a rolling implementation between May 1993 and January 1994; to unemployment benefit between May 1993 and October 1994; and to income support in October 1993. Ms Walley To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will make it his policy to continue to allow pensions and benefits to be paid otherwise than directly into a bank or building society account; what representations he has received from those wishing to retain the payment of pensions and benefits through local post offices; and if he will make a statement. Miss Widdecombe We have no intention of ceasing to use the network of post offices for payment of benefit and pensions. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has received a variety of representations about the steps taken to increase awareness of the advantages of automated credit transfer, including a number of letters from members of the public.