Baking Industry (Report) 3. Mr. Patrick Jenkin asked the Minister of Labour what steps have been taken to implement the recommendation contained in paragraph 27(i) of the Ninth Report, Interim, of the National Board for Prices and Incomes with regard to the suggested revision of the agreement between the Bakers' Union and the Federation of Wholesale and Multiple Bakers, so as to provide throughout the week for a pattern of working hours more clearly attuned to the demand for bread as it varies from day to day. Mr. Gunter The National Joint Committee of the Baking Industry in England and Wales is considering this recommendation. Mr. Jenkin Is it not about time that progress was made in the matter, bearing in mind that the National Board for Prices and Incomes itself said that the payment made to the bakers was in recognition of a change in working practice? When is there going to be a change in working practice? Mr. Gunter I agree that there is urgency about the matter. Both sides are considering it, and I am inviting them to hasten their consideration.