British Army (Air Mail, Italy) 119. Mr. Snadden asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that airmail letters to service addresses in Italy are delivered within seven days when despatched from Chicago, U.S.A., but only after 10 days when despatched from Scotland; that mail from C.M.F. to this country by the free surface-route service is delivered more expeditiously than air-mail; and what steps he proposes to take to improve the air-mail service. Mr. J. Freeman My information is that air-mail letters from America to British Forces in Italy do not arrive quicker than Forces air-mail from the United Kingdom as the former are routed via the United Kingdom. Air-mail from the United Kingdom is averaging three days to North Italy and 2½ days to South Italy. Corresponding figures for surface route are five days and six days. An additional flight to Rome is planned to start at the end of this month giving four weekly flights to South Italy in place of the present three.