Sulphur 81. Colonel Crosthwaite-Eyre asked the President of the Board of Trade what amounts of sulphur he hopes to import into this country in 1951: and of this amount, how much will come from dollar sources. Mr. H. Wilson I am unable to estimate our imports of sulphur in 1951 as this material is almost entirely drawn from the United States where it is under export allocation. No allocation has yet been announced beyond that for the first quarter. Efforts are being made to obtain supplies from other sources, but so far as can be seen, the amounts are likely to be very small. 82. Colonel Crosthwaite-Eyre asked the President of the Board of Trade what arrangements he has made to ensure that sulphur stocks, or sulphur imported into this country in 1951, are to be fairly distributed to industry; and whether he has considered any priority list for the distribution of these supplies. Mr. H. Wilson Arrangements are being made to ensure that our supplies of sulphur are distributed to industries in this country in the best interests of the national economy.