National United Insurance Society, Of Glasgow 29. Mr. GINNELL asked the President of the Board of Trade, whether he has received the statutory returns due from the National United Insurance Society, of Glasgow; what sum is shown to have been in the bank at the end of 1912; whether he is aware that all this, except a nominal balance to keep the account open, has since been drawn to keep afloat the National Assurance Collecting Society, worked by the same persons; whether those persons in either capacity have deposited security for fidelity; and, if so, with whom and of what value; and, in view of these two societies run by the same persons, accounting to different State Departments at different dates and making the same money serve as an alleged capital for both, whether he will require an actuarial investigation of the affairs of both simultaneously? Mr. ROBERTSON The National United Insurance Society is a registered society, and returns with regard to it are accordingly made like those regarding the National Assurance Collecting Society to the Assistant Registrar of Friendly Societies and not to the Board of Trade. The statutory return for 1912 has not yet been received, but a notice has been sent to the society requiring it to be submitted within fourteen days from the 3rd instant. The Chief Registrar has no knowledge of the other matters referred to by the hon. Member and no power to order an actuarial investigation into either society, but, on the application of the proper number of members provided by the Statute, he has power to appoint an inspector to examine into and report on the affairs of a society.