Aircraft (Gunnery And Radar Exercises) 80. Major Bruce asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will state the number of hours, for each of the first five months of 1947, during which Naval aircraft have flown exercises for the gunnery and radar establishments at Portsmouth; and the approximate time of day at which such exercise flights have normally taken place. Mr. Dugdale The number of hours flown by Naval aircraft for exercises for the Gunnery and Radar Establishments at Portsmouth in each of the first five months of this year was: January, 62 hours; February, 36 hours; March, 62 hours; April, 64 hours; May, 129 hours. These flights normally took place between 9.30 and 12 o'clock in the morning and between 1.15 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday to Friday inclusive.