Broadcasting, Ne Yorkshire (Interference) Mr. Spearman asked the Postmaster-General what action has now been taken to improve the radio reception on the north-east coast of Yorkshire; and if any consideration has been given to the use of very high frequency transmission in that area. Mr. Ness Edwards So far as interference to the Home Service from foreign broadcasting stations and to the Light Programme from the B.B.C. European service is concerned, I would refer the hon. Member to my answer to the hon. Member for Bridlington (Mr. Wood) on 31st January. The B.B.C. is examining proposals for improving reception in the area, and I hope to have their conclusions soon. The B.B.C. has also prepared a plan for the development of very high-frequency services, and is experimenting at Wrotham, Kent, with both frequency and amplitude modulated transmissions. It is still too early to say how prospective developments may affect particular parts of the country.