Parking Penalties Mr. Goodman To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when changes were last made to the penalties for parking on a single yellow line; and if he will make a statement. [118908] Mr. Jamieson Responsibility for enforcement of illegal parking on yellow lines rests with the police or, where enforcement has been decriminalised, the relevant local authority.Fixed penalties issued by the police for illegal parking were last changed in November 2000 when the penalty was increased from £30 to £40 in London and £20 to £30 outside London.Penalty charge levels for decriminalised parking enforcement (DPE) in England outside London are prescribed by the Secretary of Stale for Transport and were last changed in May 2001 when he prescribed that authorities may select either £40. £50 or £60 as the penalty charge. The penalty is discounted by 50 per cent. if paid within 14 days of issue of the penalty charge notice.Penalty charges for DPE in London are set by the Association of London Government Transport and Environment Committee and subject to approval by the Mayor. The London penalty charge bands were increased on 1 April this year to £60, £80 and £100. Again the penalty is discounted by 50 per cent. if paid within 14 days of issue of the penalty charge notice.