Housing, Llanlennoch (Water Supply) 130. Mr. Peter Freeman asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether his attention has been drawn to the anomaly existing at Llanlennoch, near Newport, where the Welsh Board of Health will not sanction any grant for the building of new houses until a piped-water supply is available and the Pontypool Rural Ristrict Council as the immediate authority are unable to sanction a grant for a piped-water supply as the number of houses for such a purpose is insufficient; whether he is aware that the present supply of water from a pump has been declared as unfit for human consumption; and what action he is taking in the matter. Mr. H. Macmillan An outline scheme for providing a piped-water supply in this village was prepared by the Pontypool Rural District Council in 1946, but was dropped. I have no record of an application by the district council for approval of the erection of new houses in the village nor am I aware that the present supply of water from a pump there is unfit for human consumption. I am communicating with the rural district council on these matters and will inform the hon. Member of the result.