Opencast Working, Wentworth Woodhouse 40. Mr. Baldwin asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware that the restoration of the land at Wentworth Woodhouse is not being carried out in a proper manner; and what steps he proposes to take to see that the dwindling amount of land available for agriculture in Great Britain is not further reduced unnecessarily. Mr. Gaitskell The answer to the first part of the Question is "No, Sir." In regard to the second part of the Question, no opencast coal working is started on agricultural land without prior consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Mr. Baldwin Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that his answer was similar to the one he gave me a long time ago, and shows that he is entirely unaware of the position? Is he aware that I have in my hand particulars of six different sites on the Wentworth Woodhouse estate which have been so-called restored? This is typical of the restoration. The top soil has been completely lost. Mr. Speaker The hon. Member is giving information, not asking for it. Mr. Gaitskell The land at Wentworth Woodhouse is being restored in consultation with the local agricultural executive committee, and we have had no complaint from that committee regarding the restoration. Major Legge-Bourke Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that the latest site, about to be worked, will involve spoiling water resources and trees under 10 years old, and will be a great inconvenience to the local inhabitants? Mr. Gaitskell I have discussed this matter personally with the representatives of Earl Fitzwilliam, and we are going into the matter. Mr. Skeffington-Lodge Will everything possible be done to restore the amenities being destroyed as a result of this opencast working? Mr. Gaitskell Yes, Sir. Mr. Baldwin May I ask the Parliamentary Secretary to make a personal investigation of this matter to find out what are the true facts? Mr. Gaitskell I have already indicated that I am, in fact, doing that.